Turnor Family Tree

Pictures and Documents
Name Pictures
Catherine (Kate) Parker turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
Audrey Elizabeth Partridge turnor/images/Maud Turnor 1939 Register
Hubert Harold Partridge turnor/images/Maud Turner and Harold Partridge wedding 04-10-1913 new scan
turnor/images/Maud Turnor 1939 Register
Ada Turnor turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
turnor/images/Three Turners Framed
turnor/images/Maud Turner and Harold Partridge wedding 04-10-1913 new scan
Amy Florence Turnor turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
Annie Sylvia Turnor turnor/images/Annie Turner and Harry Wright marriage 24-06-1899 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
turnor/images/Annie Turnor 1
turnor/images/Annie Turnor 2
turnor/images/Three Turners Framed
Benjamin (Ben) Turnor turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
turnor/images/Maud Turner and Harold Partridge wedding 04-10-1913 new scan
Charles (Charlie) Turnor turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
turnor/images/Maud Turner and Harold Partridge wedding 04-10-1913 new scan
Elsie May Turnor turnor/images/Maud Turner and Harold Partridge wedding 04-10-1913 new scan
Hilda Mary Turnor turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
turnor/images/Maud Turner and Harold Partridge wedding 04-10-1913 new scan
turnor/images/Hilda Turnor
turnor/images/Three Turners Framed
Horace Charles (Jack) Turnor turnor/images/Maud Turner and Harold Partridge wedding 04-10-1913 new scan
Horace Philip Turnor turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
Maud Elizabeth Turnor turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
turnor/images/Maud Turner and Harold Partridge wedding 04-10-1913 new scan
turnor/images/Maud Turnor 1939 Register
George Henry (Harry) Wright turnor/images/Annie Turner and Harry Wright marriage 24-06-1899 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 new scan
turnor/images/Charlie Turnor and Kate Parker wedding 03-08-1902 - with names
Sylvia Maud Audrey Wright turnor/images/Sylvia_Maud_Wright_1912_in19xx_01
Name Documents